Winter 2019
Hello and welcome to my first blog post. I have set up this site as my alternative to the mainstream social media sites, which in my humble opinion are getting more intrusive into individual’s privacy. You may comment that writing a blog is giving away your privacy and that may be somewhat true. However, to keep in contact with family and friends I can’t deny the benefits of such platforms as FB, instawhatsit, and twitpage have done for people living around the world. Indeed, without these forms of social networking I would not have connected with some members of my extended family even though they still live close by where I grew up and my immediate family still live. I have also reconnected with great, talented and successful people from my school and workdays, so thank you, social media.
Also, as I am in the US some of my spellings and phrases are based on American English so please forgive my use of z and other grammatically alternative connotations that I’ve no doubt will make my poetry writing friends teeth itch!
Most of you know who we are and where we live so I won’t bore you again.
What’s happening now?
Well it’s winter 2019, we have not long returned from Chicago where my amazing wife, Julie, was presented with a national industry award. Julie received the award for
2019 Top Women in Storebrands
in the category for Research & Development and Quality Assurance.
She was nominated by her manager and selected by a national committee of food industry leaders to receive this award. It is considered a food Industry Oscar!
Chicago was, how shall I put it? FREEZING! We left LA the temperature was 72f (21c) and landed to find 36F (4c) with snow on the ground! That was something of a shock and guess what? Although it’s called the “windy city” there was no wind, bizarre!
As some of you may already know, we purchased our forever home (well for now)! in April. We have been hosts to; Megan & Alfie, Carys, Jordan, Steph and Koby through the summer. We have loved every minute of it, especially when one of our guests did a 💩 by the pool, can you guess who it was?
Christmas is now just around the corner and in the next few days we will be decorating the house for Christmas and New Year with Julie’s sister, Diane and her husband David. We are looking forward to celebrating the holiday season with them at a couple of special places; the
Hobbit restaurant
and the
Blind Rabbit
speakeasy in Orange County.
The first 3 months of 2020 promises to be a very busy time, for me especially. I am in the process of designing/developing a new food production facility in LA (well just 4 miles east). It’s so close I can see the iconic LA skyline! This will be the 19th plant for
Taylor Farms
– my employer – The largest salad and deli producer in the US.
I will add to this blog page in the coming weeks/months. Right now, Julie and I would like to wish all our family and friends across the world a safe, peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year and all the best for 2020.
Regards Paul & Julie